Conversation Design

How to Win at Conversation Design Challenges in the Job Interview Process


Are you a conversational AI professional seeking to advance your career in conversation design? If so, you're likely to face conversation design challenges during the job interview process. These challenges can make or break your chances of landing your dream job. In this blog, we'll guide you through the best practices to help you tackle conversation design challenges and increase your chances of success. Let's get started!

Understanding Conversation Design

Before diving into the tactics and strategies to ace conversation design challenges, it's crucial to understand what conversation design entails. Conversation design is the process of creating user-friendly, engaging, and effective interactions between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) systems, such as chatbots or voice assistants. As a conversation designer, your job is to make these interactions feel natural and intuitive while ensuring that the AI system delivers accurate and helpful information.

In a nutshell, a successful conversation designer must possess strong communication skills, empathy, creativity, and technical expertise. They must also have a deep understanding of human behaviour, cultural and linguistic nuances, and the latest trends in AI technology.

Preparing for the Conversation Design Challenge

To excel in a conversation design challenge, you need to be well-prepared. Start by following these steps:

  1. Research the company: Get to know the company you're interviewing with, its mission, values, and products. Understand how their AI systems work and the role of conversation design within their organisation.
  2. Understand the job requirements: Go through the job description and make a list of essential skills and qualifications. Ensure you are familiar with the tools, methodologies, and frameworks mentioned in the job posting.
  3. Practice, practice, practice: Participate in conversation design exercises or mock interviews to sharpen your skills. Use online resources to find sample conversation design challenges and work on them to improve your techniques.
  4. Build a conversation design portfolio: Showcase your skills and expertise by creating a portfolio of conversation design projects. Include case studies, wireframes, and flow diagrams to demonstrate your thought process and problem-solving abilities.
  5. Network with industry professionals: Join conversation design groups on social media platforms, attend meetups, or participate in webinars to learn about the latest industry trends and gain insights from experienced professionals.

Tackling the Conversation Design Challenge

When faced with a conversation design challenge during a job interview, follow these steps to ensure your success:

  1. Understand the problem: Begin by carefully analysing the design challenge presented. Make sure you understand the user personas, the AI system's capabilities, and the intended user experience.
  2. Define the user goals: Identify the primary goals users want to achieve through their interaction with the AI system. Keep these goals in mind as you design the conversation flow.
  3. Plan the conversation flow: Start by sketching a high-level conversation flow diagram, outlining the possible paths users might take to achieve their goals. Consider both linear and non-linear interactions, and think about how the AI system should handle unexpected inputs.
  4. Design the user experience: Focus on making the interaction as seamless and enjoyable as possible for users. Pay attention to the tone, language, and structure of the conversation. Consider using prompts and suggestions to guide users and help them achieve their goals more easily.
  5. Test and iterate: Once you've designed the conversation flow, walk through it step by step, considering different user scenarios and potential issues. Make necessary adjustments to ensure the conversation design is robust and effective.
  6. Present your solution: Clearly explain your design choices and thought process to the interviewers. Use visual aids, such as flow diagrams or wireframes, to help them understand your solution.

Tips for Acing the Conversation Design Challenge

To further increase your chances of success during the conversation design challenge, consider these expert tips:

  1. Demonstrate empathy: Show that you understand users' needs and emotions by designing conversations that are sensitive to their feelings and preferences. This will not only create a better user experience but also leave a positive impression on your interviewers.
  2. Be creative: Think outside the box and come up with innovative ways to engage users and address their concerns. This will showcase your ability to think critically and solve complex problems.
  3. Show technical expertise: Be prepared to discuss the technical aspects of your design, such as the AI system's capabilities and limitations, and how they influence your decisions. This will demonstrate your understanding of the underlying technology and your ability to work with it effectively.
  4. Handle objections gracefully: Interviewers may challenge your design choices to test your problem-solving skills and adaptability. Be open to feedback and ready to defend your decisions with logical arguments.
  5. Stay up-to-date with industry trends: Being knowledgeable about the latest conversation design techniques and AI advancements will help you come across as a forward-thinking professional. This will increase your credibility and improve your chances of success.


Facing a conversation design challenge during a job interview can be daunting, but with thorough preparation and a clear strategy, you can excel at it and advance your career. By understanding the company, the job requirements, and the latest trends in the field, and by practising and showcasing your skills, you'll be well-equipped to tackle any conversation design challenge that comes your way. Good luck on your journey to becoming a successful conversation designer!